The F Word

Dear Reader, Is it better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all? I guess it would depend on how badly you failed. I’m in graduate school at the moment and, boy, is it one long struggle bus. At times, it has been stressful (more here) and at other times almost... Continue Reading →

Warning, Error, Failed to Compile

Dear Reader, “Opening your mind” and “learning new things” are all well and good until you actually do them…. I try to be an open-minded person and I generally impulsively go wherever my interests take me. This is the attitude that compelled me to take an advanced optional statistics course in grad school. If you... Continue Reading →

Curiouser and Curiouser

Dear Reader Do you remember childhood you? The one that read picture books and comics instead of newspapers, novels, magazines, and… blogs? Not too long ago, my mom sent me a picture of worksheet I completed in second grade (pictured below). On it was a list of questions to get us to consider the academic... Continue Reading →

[Review] Humble Pi

Dear Reader, Are phone numbers numbers? This question and many more are answered in the book Humble Pi: A Comedy of Maths Errors by Matt Parker. Can a book all about numbers really be a comedy? I too was skeptical, but I assure you that the answer is a big, fat YES! Australian Matt Parker... Continue Reading →

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